2015.10.05 / NEWS & RELEASE
会場:自転車文化センター ギャラリー及びライブラリー
住所:東京都品川区上大崎3-3-1 自転車総合ビル1階
東京都品川区上大崎3-3-1 自転車総合ビル1F
Tel. 03-4334-7953
[開館時間] 9:30〜17:00(最終入館16:45)
[定 休 日] 月曜日(祭日の場合は翌平日)
[入 館 料] 無料
JR山手線、東京メトロ南北線/都営三田線/東急目黒線 「目黒駅」より徒歩3分
1 Comment
by http://www./
2016.09.11 Posted.
Desiree is like a giant candy in the sweet shop. I just love to savour her style and she makes me so happy all the time. You have found me a new favourite poem. I didn't see it at Desiree's place, although it must be at home there. I have been practising very, very hard already.Your practice warrants a gold star, Young Missy, which you can add to your delicious purple and red ensemble. Your cherry tree loves you.
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